Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
Thanks to netgalley for the early look at this book.
Ellie is your normal seventeen-year-old girl in high school who can see reapers. Oh wait, that isn’t normal. She’s been having nightmares of fighting reapers for a while but when Ellie turns seventeen, she starts seeing them for real and she starts fighting them. What she really wants is to be a normal teenager but that’s a little hard when she turns out to be the preliator, a mortal who has the power to kill reapers. Of course, her parents and friends have no idea about that side of her life, which causes her some problems. She didn’t even know about it until the very hot and yummy Will entered the story. Things get very interesting from there!
My rating: 5/5 – loved it
Ellie- I love Ellie. She is a strong female character that can protect herself. She still needs and wants Will around but she is strong in her own right. I love that. She isn’t strong by bashing the men around her either (like some other books that I won’t mention). She has great relationships with her friends. She cares about her mother (I won’t mention her father). She wants to be a normal teenager and is frustrated that she can’t. I love her spirit.
Will – He is incredible. Will loves Ellie, that is obvious but it’s not in his job description. He is her guardian, given the task of protecting her in battle from an Angel and nothing more. He tries very hard to keep things that way but while Ellie can’t remember everything from her previous lives, she does feel that strong connection to Will. He keeps things from her and causes some mystery because of it. He will do anything to protect her. He is my favorite character in the book and the reason that I love it.
The world that is created is intriguing. It’s not your normal paranormal angel story. The reapers are stealing human souls to build Lucifer’s army. The preliator is the best weapon Heaven has. She is sent in again and again. When she dies, she is reincarnated to fight again. Will stays with her over the years and has the power to awaken her. He has been with her for over 5 centuries. But her enemies are trying a new approach. Killing her doesn’t keep her out of the fight long enough. I like this world that Courtney Allison Moulton has built.
I loved this book and can’t wait for the next installment but I have to say that the ending ripped my heart out and it’s taken me a while to get over it. If you love paranormal, this one is a must.
Enjoy the read.
great review! i can't wait for this book.